Well, this has been the year of updating electronics for us. Recently P bought a "new" computer. In my mind a new computer meant a nice new plastic or metal box all put together and ready to go, but of course P does things slightly different. (And I appreciate his frugality, it means I can buy more clothes at thrift stores.)
He began by disassembling our current computer and selectively taking parts from an old box that had been collecting dust upstairs. Of course, he had also purchased some updated hardware, and then this past Sunday evening he spent a few hours assembling our "new" computer on the living room floor. It only took a few of hours, and voil la we have a new computer! It works much better, is quieter and even has a little port where I can put the memory stick from our camera (which we also finally bought this past year).
...And thus, with this tidier port, I've recommitted to blogging every once in awhile. Well, here is the latest video of our little guy. Enjoy!