It's been a while since we've posted and that's in part because we were busy preparing for a new addition to our family. This may come as a bit of a surprise, but we finally broke down and got a kitten. She's adorable and has already proven to be a lover of our laps. She has already been litter box trained and uses her scratching block accordingly, leaving our furniture alone (knock on wood).

Settling on a name for the little kitten has been a bit of a challenge for us. She has a sibling named "Ears" resulting from ear hair that is out of control, but in all other ways looks quite similar. P then thought it might be funny to call the her "Ne" (pronounced "knee") as both an acronym for "Not Ears" and in honor of Monty Python's "Knights Who Say Ni." This was deemed officially
not funny by several people. Then, the name "-" (pronounced "dash") was found to be fairly funny by P. This comes from a name which we heard of while living in Elkhart county: "La-a" (pronounced "Ladasha"). Remember folks, don't let your - be silent. Other names we've considered is Acorn, Turtle, or Mousse. C thinks she looks like a delicious turtle cheesecake. Sadly, we're still using "kitten" as her primary name, alternate suggestions welcome.
Currently, we're hoping that she can be trained to herd sheep, but admittedly, that's coming along a bit slower than we had hoped.
These photos document early life on the parent's farm, then coming home with us on that fateful Sunday in September and a couple taken at home. Don't worry, this won't become yet another blog of adorable kitten photos, we promise. Let it be known, we also believe promises are meant to be broken.