Wednesday, April 28, 2010


If you want to know what life was like today outside in SD while fencing:
  1. Find a pickup truck and two friends and a mess of electrified string.
  2. Have one friend drive the pickup truck at 30mph while you and the other friend attempt to untangle the ball of string while standing up in the back of the pickup.
You'll quickly find a few things:
  1. You have to yell to communicate even if you're pretty close.
  2. Being yelled at all the time, even when it's nice words, has a tendency to anger a person.
  3. Trying to collaborate on untangling the ball of string while being yelled at all day is stressful and exhausting.
Our marriage is stronger now.

*The upside to this day is that we were preparing movable fences for management intensive grazing....soon the cows will have new grass.

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