Monday, April 26, 2010

The future of grass fed beef is looking good

This past weekend C and I had my wonderful sister and nephews visit us for a couple of days and we had a grand time with all of them.

The photo highlights of their stay happened when we (C and I-with the nephews) went on "an adventure" around the farm. We toured some old machinery, hiked and ran through the shelter belt (the trees on the north side of the house), climbed on some alfalfa bales and fed the feedlot cattle some grass.

The cattle really liked when Caleb came up with the idea to pull up some grass and feed it to them. They liked it so much that they were willing to come up and eat it out of his hand. Clearly Caleb believes cattle like grass... or else he was bored. Or perhaps cattle will overcome great fear to eat grass... or else cattle are so bored in a feedlot they'll eat grass much like they'll munch on a hydraulic hose if given a chance. You make the call.

Either way, lots of cuteness and good times were had by all, even if it meant I clearly wasn't the apple of my mother's eye for the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Of course I like this post! Thanks for sharing. All the pictures are great but the one that makes me smile the most is when three boys were running through the trees, obviously having fun. We love you two!
