Friday, August 31, 2012

According to my kitchen scale...

According to my kitchen scale, minus 3 lbs for the fruit bowl, S weighs in at 12 lbs! Recently, when I've picked him up, especially at night when it's been a whopping 3.5 hours since I last held him, he has seemed heavy...or at least heavier. I wanted to weigh him and figured a kitchen scale would be slightly more accurate than an ancient bathroom scale.

1 comment:

  1. Is that a wave of the hand to gently welcome the hoards of reporters who have come to listen to the wisdom he dispenses as he relaxes in his slightly idiosyncratic lounger?

    I don't think we ever wrote to say that we were happy to hear of his safe arrival. Looks like you three are going to to have a great time together!

    -Paul MR (Ummm, long story about why I still come up as "PR Office"..)
